
professional house painterOver time, the paint on your home’s walls can begin to lose luster or even deteriorate. Regardless of the quality, paint does not last forever and the condition of the paint on your walls can be affected by a number of different things. Even the best paint jobs can be affected by nail holes from hanging pictures or wall art, scratches from furniture, or even begin to rub off. In some cases, all you need is a little touch-up paint to cover up the small nicks from a chair hitting the wall, but in others, it is far better to hire interior painters in Fort Collins to repaint the walls of your home. 

When To Touch Up

In general, if the damage to walls is small and contained or the paint is less than a year old, you should be able to just touch up the small area rather than repainting the whole wall or room. 

There are a few situations in which touching up paint will be enough:

  • To cover up small flaws such as nicks, scratches, dings, chips, scuffs, or marks on the wall
  • To touch up areas with flaws that are not highly visible
  • To touch up paint that is flat or with a low sheen
  • To paint small spots that were missed

Getting the best results from touch up paint can be difficult to do, however. The age of the paint, size of the spot, and type of paint can all affect the overall appearance of your home’s walls, but there are several things you can do to get perfectly matched paint touch-ups.

  • Keep in mind that small touch-ups can be difficult to blend into paint that is older, faded, or paint with a higher sheen such as a satin or semi-gloss.
  • Attempt to clean or remove marks by wiping down the wall
  • Repair the damage
  • Prep and prime the surface of the wall
  • Match the touch-up paint to the wall color, finish, and texture
  • Stir paint thoroughly and dilute slightly
  • Use a feathering technique to create a smoother finish

When To Repaint Walls Instead

Even the smallest touch up can prove to be difficult to match or blend, leaving you with walls that have varying shades of paint or sections that do not match the surrounding areas. Repainting your home’s interior is a relatively simple and cost-effective way to refresh and revive the appearance and condition of the interior walls of your home. While touch up paint can provide a quicker fix, repainting often provides a longer-lasting solution.

In many situations, it is simply better to hire interior painters to repaint your walls:

  • When paint is peeling, flaking, stained, or showing obvious signs of wear and tear
  • When there are bigger or a larger amount of damages or scuffs
  • When you want to change décor or dislike the current color
  • When paint is over 5 years old
  • When you have paint with a higher sheen
  • When flaws are in highly visible areas

Answering the question of how often should you paint your house can be difficult to do because there is not a set answer that will apply in every situation. Knowing when to repaint will vary on the location of the room, age of the paint, and the results you’re looking to achieve. To maintain the best looking results, many professional painters recommend that you repaint your walls every 5-10 years depending on the location.

High traffic areas that will likely need to be repainted sooner include hallways, corridors, stairways, entryways, bathrooms and kitchens. Repainting these areas every 3-5 years will keep rooms looking fresh, clean, and presentable. Other areas of the house such as living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms can go significantly longer before walls need to be or should be repainted.

When To Hire Professional Painters

The most effective way to get long-lasting results is to hire interior painters in Fort Collins. Professional painters have the skill and expertise to deliver beautiful results whether you need to touch up a wall or repaint your entire home interior. With Colortrends Painting, you can be sure that your home will be painted with superior quality materials, tools, and the most effective techniques. Call us today (970) 308-2135 to learn more.


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