
What to Expect When You Hire Professional House Painters

what to expect when hiring professional house paintersWhen hiring Loveland professional house painters like Colortrends, you can expect to get customized, quality service and a worthwhile paint job for your buck. Before the painters arrive at your house, there are a number of things you should be prepared to ask and a few expectations you should have.

If you’ve hired professional painters for an interior painting job, they will be in your home disrupting your routine for as long as it takes them to complete the work. You should make your home as prepared as possible for the workers, and make sure to get the right information from your painting crew before they start to break out their brushes and rollers.

How Expert House Painters Will Help You

Professional house painters take the work out of your hands. You should be able to explain exactly what you need done and in what color, then let the painters have at it. But even the best painting crews need some input from you as to how you want your property treated while they’re in your home and where exactly your new paint will go. The painting crew will help you get the paint on the walls, but, for best results, you shouldn’t be afraid to clarify a few issues before they get started. For some important questions you should ask your painters, click here.

First, consider the places in the paint area that might be difficult to paint, or which need some extra prep work beyond what’s typical. For example, if you have damaged drywall, check and see if that’s something your painters will repair before they begin or if you need to have someone else do the repairs. If you have wooden trim to be painted, talk to your hired house painters about filling nail holes, sealing any knots in the wood, and using a slow-drying primer.

Next, specify drying times to avoid painters rushing through a job. Trusted painters understand how long it takes paint to dry in different areas, especially interior spaces. Drying safely and avoiding undue exposure to wet paint fumes is more important for interior areas than exterior areas. The main thing you want to avoid by mentioning drying times is painting over repaired drywall or caulked crevices that hasn’t fully dried or set yet.

Finally, make sure that all your interior fixtures, appliances, and unmovable objects are protected from paint. Colortrends prides itself on having knowledgeable and considerate painters who always do their best to adequately protect their customers’ interior areas from dripping paint brushes and other paint accidents. But it’s a good idea to talk about what needs special attention, like your ornate fireplace or your brand-new washer-dryer.

Practical Information

Communication between painting contractors and homeowners comes down to the contract. When you’re negotiating a work deal, the contract is fairly straightforward. It states what the painters will do and how they expect to complete all your required tasks. As long as you make sure you’re getting all the services you need and want for your home by establishing it in the contract, you don’t have much to worry about the job, aside from any minor prep work you want to complete.

But there are other concerns you have to consider for an interior job, especially an interior job that’s going to encompass multiple rooms in your home. One often overlooked consideration is the painting schedule. Ideally, the painting crews can enter your house and get the job done with no or minimal supervision from you, so you can keep going to work and living your life. But sometimes the painters need your assistance or input. Usually this is to ask your preference on something or to smooth over any minor, unanticipated issues.

The best thing you can do as a homeowner is to establish a painting schedule, complete with times when the painters are expected to be at your house working, the means to access the house when you’re not there if appropriate (and if you’re comfortable with that), and when you’re expecting to be around the house. When the painters know when to be at your house and what to expect, you can head off many unforeseen problems.

Get Help With Your Painting Project

Are you ready to hire a trustworthy crew of professional house painters? Contact Colortrends to start a conversation about your next painting project.


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